Questions about orders and deliveries

Where can I communicate my orders?

Orders can easily be communicated by filling in the contact form, contacting us via our e-mail: or calling +31 (0)183 - 63 17 99.

If you place an order you will receive a confirmation the same day.

How long is the average delivery time?

The delivery time depends on the location and whether the relevant items are in stock. We have set up a fixed schedule per week for customers in NL. Our route per region is as follows in the Netherlands:

  • Monday: Rotterdam region
  • Tuesday: Amsterdam region
  • Wednesday: Rotterdam region
  • Thursday: Arnhem region
  • Friday: South region


Is your company located abroud? Please contact us about our possibilities regard to the delivery of the goods.

If the items are in stock and can be deliverd earlier, we use a delivery time of 24 hours in the Netherlands and 48 hours for other countries. Please note that you should order before 12:00 o'clock in the afternoon if you want the items to be delivered as soon as possible.

If you want to order printed items, please take into account a delivery time of 6 to 8 weeks.

What are the terms of delivery?

The delivery conditions are listed on the website in the following PDF file